Wednesday 24 October 2012

Captured on 'bushcam' and the conclusion to our African adventure

The stars of the show in the African bush are always the animals and this also continues into the night. Those of you that follow our blog through our African adventures will know we like to have a bit of fun by placing out night cameras where we camp. Here is a collection of some of the best that we captured on this trip. You never know, one day we may capture the holy grail and 'bag' ourselves an Aardvark or even Leopard. Whatever we capture, opening up the camera in the morning to see what we have captured around camp at night always feels like Christmas day. You never know what night time visitors have been skulking around as we sleep! Thanks to everyone who has made kind comments on our blog and have taken the time to read our usual lengthy posts! So until the next trip its 'Kwaheri' from the Skinner's and Kenya for now...

Spotted Hyena
 Female Dik Dik
 Female Dik Dik
 Scrub Hare

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